Thursday, June 28, 2012

He Said Yes!

How I Proposed To My Boyfriend With A Wooden Ring
by Anna Frient

The last time I was in my hometown in Ohio, I asked my dad to help me gather some wood with me. My boyfriend, Arash, had already asked permission from my dad when we went home for Easter, so my dad knew I wanted to have wooden rings made for us. There is a flowering crabapple tree in my family's front yard that blooms beautiful, bright pink bloosoms in the spring, and sheds crabapples like leaves in the fall, which we would rake up as a family. This is the tree my dad and I put a ladder under, and we sawed off a branch together.

Then I went over to my grandmas house. Almost everyone in my family has lived there at some point, so we call it the annex. With my eldest sister and my youngest sister standing by, I kicked off my flip flops and climbed to the top of the dogwood tree. Here is where I harvested my second piece of wood. The dogwood tree has white blossoms, which reminds me of a poem by imagist poet Ezra Pound that is forever stuck in my memory. I don't remember the verse, but the image was of a dogwood tree after the rain, white petals against a wet, black bough.

When I got back to Chicago, I took the two woods into the Simply Wood Rings shop. They milled it, and the crabapple turned out to have a beautiful grain, two-tones, pale blonde and pale pinkish brown. The dogwood is a lovely pale blonde, almost white wood.

Arash and I went in together to discuss the design for our rings, and even got to help during the creation process. We let the professionals finish the rings, and last week they finished them! I decided to surprise Arash with the completed results.

The day after the summer solstice, we rode our bikes to our spot by the lake. We had a picnic of bread, cheese, and wine while overlooking the Chicago skyline.

I got down on one knee with ring in hand, spoke from my heart, and asked him to marry me.

He said yes, of course.

And the love and support from family, and the intent that was put into the creation process, is now in my rings, always to be a lovely reminder to me.