Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Echo Archery

We are happy to announce the arrival of some new and beautiful wood! A big thank you to Echo Archery and Carson Brown for supplying some awesome pieces of bow stave scraps. Here at Simply Wood Rings, we try very hard to re-purpose wood that would otherwise be thrown away. Many people wonder, how are wood rings eco-friendly? Wouldn't you have to cut down the trees to make the rings? It is thanks to people like Carson Brown at Echo Archery that we do not have to. It's important for us to know where our wood comes from, and today we are proud to say we have lots of new wood from Echo Archery in Salem, Oregon.

Here's a bit about the company and how they're working with us to create some great rings!
"Echo Archery is a small archery business located in Salem Oregon. Owner, Carson Brown, makes custom wood bows and arrows from wood that he harvests himself from local private and state lands. As a part of Echo Archery's mission to conduct business in a socially and environmentally responsible way, we are excited to provide Simply Wood Rings with a variety of wood pieces that would otherwise be considered waste. The woods that Echo Archery provides include Pacific Yew, Osage Orange, Vine Maple, Oregon Ash, Douglas-Fir, Pacific Rhododendron, Western Juniper, and Western Serviceberry."

We are so grateful to have this wood! We hope to see many beautiful rings come from these pieces of bow staves. Thank you again to Carson Brown and Echo Archery for sending these pieces of wood our way. Please check out his site. If you like our rings, you're sure to love his work as well.

Vine Maple and Pacific Rhododendron
Vine Maple is know for it's durability and strength
Luckiamutte River drainage, Western Oregon Coast Mountains

Vine Maple and Pacific Yew

Douglas Fir from the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, Mckenzie River Drainage
Old-growth Douglas-fir is one of the most versatile woods in the forest.
Anything from Lumber to toilet paper!

Western Juniper, Central Oregon Deschutes River Drainage
Beautiful and light, full of natural oils!
Sitka Spruce

Pacific Yew, Cascade Mountains of Oregon, North Santiam River Drainage
"The finest wood for making bows. It is a light, strong and extremely elastic wood"
Carson Brown, Echo Archery